A blog about life as a Music industry professional, what is going on why do we choose artists like we do and what kind of work are we doing.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Happy New Year
Well here is last yeasrs Musichelp
Friday, December 30, 2016
Last working houers this year. I'm excited!
I guess it's the last hours of the old system that we now have spent months to change and launch next week. It will be fun.
Next year will be more selective. Commercials, TV and movies are kind of outdated. Big conferences are out, getting into more local ones. It's the feeling of 2006 all over again. A fresh start with a new thing, but working against old mindsets.
Yes I remember the struggle 2006. The old mindset was still physical products. The ones that spoke about that are now gone from the business. The new one they laugh at are now kings like Spotify.
I guess though that Spotify can easy be the old one gone in 2026. And the people that only talks about playlists will be out of the business by then.
Yes I really feel that I’m on to something new. Back in 2006 it was the new way of making PR through commercials. And yes I made a good thing about it.
I'm excited!
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
It’s easy to be Star struck.
Monday, December 26, 2016
A Managers biggest mistake
RIP George Michael
No I was never a bigger fan of Wham! or George Michel. But he has done some really iconic songs and was a part of the music I grew up with. Some songs really stuck. I guess 2016 still claims big names. I guess the industry is changing faster because of these people's deaths. Still many died too young.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Don't be like this..
Hello my name is *******. This year 2016 I released a cd called ****** . I am
now looking for someone to distribute my new cd. Jazz/pop rock genrer.
I am from Sweden. I am not a signed artist. I have produced the cd and Swedish
broadcasting Corporation has produced the recording. Which distributors do you prefer ?
I have 900 dvs physical at Home.
Kindly *****
I really don’t know witch planet this person is on. First of all the CD (or is it a DVD look on the last sentance it says dvs...this could easily be DVD:s) is already released. The person has already printed over 900 copies of the shit and now realized that she need a distributor. And since almost every record store is closed in Sweden by know finding distribution for a product like this…well it’s probably smarter to get down and buy 5 tickets to the powerball lottery and actually take out that you are going to win and spend the money beforehand.
Second even though this person printed the CD what’s the deal with the Swedish broadcast cooperation, does it really have all the paper on this? Since they are writing an email like this I wouldn’t trust a word that everything is in its order.
And the genre what is Jazz/pop/rock? I guess this is some stupid Jazz project, the people that plays Jazz usually don’t have any knowledge and should immediately stop giving out music. Jazz is no music is just a sound, not music.
Then to the question: Which distributors do you prefer? What I should just stop what I’m doing and start helping this utterly stupid project. People like this should be stopped by NCB already starting doing stupid things like this.
The thing is also most of this information is online, if you just start to use Google and do some search you will find it EASY! Just hate artist that do stupid stuff and then wants to be curled like a small child.
When you later meet people like this on different kind of meetings they always take up time by complaining that is so hard din the music industry. I guess it becomes harder if you just do it this way.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
Trumps in the Swedish scene.
And now I see this people again with government money doing the shit all over again. So should I just tell the truth or just let people know what fraud is to happen is the question.
Yes but at the same time see many good people that are nice get crushed and that will also effect me. The Swedish scene is small so when idiots get in it can effect a lot of things.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Don’t forget the closest ones.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Jobbiga artister undviker man.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Nutcase Monday
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Why this shit tradition Sweden
Monday, December 12, 2016
Old farts and their record labels
Friday, December 9, 2016
The club is always packed and it's really great. The thing is that he also feed us in the facebook feed with stuff that is just so good. This came today.
This is the real "Sunkit". I love it, made my day. I will just take another rom and coke and listen to demos.
Here is some other great feauters from Sunkit, unfortunaly most of the really good ones are in swedish. So here enjoy this friday.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Stupid imature people
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Are Guns 'n' Roses uncool or my phone company hip?
Monday, December 5, 2016
Monday again
Thursday, December 1, 2016
It could have been worse...
Yes I said that eurovision song contest in Sweden was like take a dump and then whipe your ass with the shit. Well I just realized that if Anna Book was in, it also ment to eat that shit afterwards. And if there was a song written by author that writes really bad crime fiction (hello Camilla Smäckberg) then you had to put that shit back in all your body openings. So yeah it could have been much worse.
My next wonder if the Swedish musicians union will go on strike on Eurovision like the threat to do on idol. I mean this is as bad killing dreams of young musicians as the idol. Or even worse in idol they get flogged afterwards. Here they get flogged before, during and after.
Well eurovision will run more seasons so I guess the union really don't dare to get into that conflict.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
It’s like taken the shit you just shit and wipe you ass with it!
And every year they fail miserably.
They seem to go full in to find this artist that a local opening of a shopping center never will use. Or dig up old Idol artists that are not good enough. It’s all the opposite against what they talk about the rest of the year.
Even the Swedish presenters are like the worst of the worst. They take old farts of artists that have been in the completion to present the new shit. It’s like taken the shit you just shit and wipe you ass with it. This is the artist that are worse the Michel Bublé and only comes out on Christmas because you need to be so shit wasted to even hear them sing.

They take in the big failures like The Foo Conspiracy. This is a Swedish boyband. Yes you have never heard of it if you are outside Sweden. To be honest I never heard a song from them. Still they had a lot of small girls following them a couple of years ago. And now they make a last attempt (with one member short) in Eurovision. Tragic!
They take out Charlotte Perelli, who won the whole shit a couple a years ago. Since she only has worked with opening shopping mall since then. I guess she needs to be in the limelight for a bit. Same with the dreadful artist Loreen that won with Euphoria couple years ago. She is barely opening up shopping malls today.
Where have they dug up Roger Pontare? This is as bad as putting out a new single with Vanilla Ice.
Then you have the artists that are on every year, Ace Wilder, Lisa Ajax, Mariette. Failed artists that now just have to do Eurovision. Now also joining the parade is Jasmine Kara who really is the most failed artist ever. Of course they also have taken in artists that people listens to but is ashamed to listen to like De vet du.
The of course the artist they take in just so they can say that they have diversity. The hardrock band Dissmissed. Every hard rock band that has been on is just not taken seriously. Maybe they can no play on Sweden Rock since it was bought by Live Nation and they will probably destroy the lineup with bands like The Poodles. Sabaton Open Air is heading the same way, so maybe they can play there as well in front of the taco tent.
In this section is Les Gordons that we publish some songs of. They are put there just to be fill out with their rock’n’roll. Unfortunally my guess is that they won’t go further in their group. I’m surprised if they go to the second chance. In reality there is no backup on them and they are more in as a reason to tell the people that yes we have all genres, not excluding anyone. But all press goes on all old Idols stars and other stuff they just drown in the 10 other artist that universal will put money on.
A jojking same who is from South America. Yes Eurovision is like a freak show. And to top that you get Owe Thörnqvist, now we have a frak show a big freak show!
Värsta skandalen är schlagerfinalen där menlösa får visas upp varje år......
Monday, November 28, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
Make up your mind.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Just some update
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
What pisses me off.
What really pisses me off is people that is very meticulous with their own things, but don't give a shit about others.
Like an artist that work for copyright issues for the union but when he put out music he used pirated bar codes to save money. Yes you should pay for his music but the person that maintain the bar code system you can just fuck over.
Or when an artist gives out covers but don't care to get all the info around the writers or publishers and just write stuff that is very hard to track. But are very concern to get out that dollar that came in through Spotify and make a hell of a scene to get it.
They are just about me, myself and I in their brain. And they usually market themselves as fair.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Nagg, but only if you have something to nagg about.
Monday, November 21, 2016
How was the song written?
Friday, November 18, 2016
Get out from the backstage area!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
What happened to the EPK video?
Still this one are pretty long and more like a info movie. I guess the best one I ever got was Billion Dollar Babies who did a fantastic info video. It's short, contains everything you need to know about Billion Dollar Babies. And it shows exakt what they are all about. This is a perfect teaser.
We did a info about The Magnettes for internal use that Michael Kers created that I really like that one.
I guess that I will get alot of these videos now sent to me. But hey that is great.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
You must be flexible.
But here is the great by working with a professional group like The Magnettes. They handle that and will fix so they can do the show. It’s not optimal but they do it and the audience will have a blast.
In today’s music market this is a must. Your set up needs to be altered with. If you are six people in your band and there must be a certain equipment and certain light, floor space etc. Well you will miss out so much things that you will never really make it.
Just last week when I saw On-The-Go from Russia and they lost all their gear on the airplane. Well they just borrowed things and did a show (see it on yesterdays post I linked the video). Normally they are very electric with synthesizers. Here was a full acoustic gig. And this was in a showcase situation they have flew over five hours from Moscow to Tel Aviv to play this gig in front of several important buyers from the music industry. I was impressed that they just changed and you could hear how well the songs where in acoustic mode. So even it was not the right show, they convinced me by just not cancel it and not complaining about it.
You can’t expect to have perfect conditions every time when you are a smaller band. Well not even prefect when you have large tours. I got a story when Peter Tosh played for thousands of people in Italy and the power went out. He just took up a guitar and got the audience very silent and kept on playing. It’s a must to be able to do that.
This is the point also when many new artists fall off. I don’t know how many stupid reasons I have heard from bands not taking a gig. I guess the worst one was when the drummer had decided to make laundry with his girlfriend on a Saturday so the band couldn’t take the gig even it was a month notice. In a case like this if the band really want going on, get a substitute drummer. Yes if AC/DC can replace their singer several times you can get a substitute for someone.
Other stupid things has been: Are running a marathon! The place is too small! It’s not a cool venue! We are past playing small events like that! We have lost our electric adapter! The monitors was not loud enough!
Yes I have heard them all during the years. And the only thing that the artists got out of it was that you thought, well they will never make it. And you start to make interest in another artist to bring forward.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Back from Tune In Tel Aviv.
I saw so many cool band. I will put out some videos I always shoot to remeber an artist in my phone.
Nadav Dagon drummer/dj very amuzing and a new direction for DJ:s.
This was a really cool set with Noga Erez
Sivan Levy on the conferance ground.
Billy and The Firm, punk rock in a punk rock place.
I really liked Yuar. Also thanks for the translation later in the evening.
Feher did a great show on Kuli Alma
On-The-Go lost their instruments on the flights. So here is a really special acoustic show.
This was really a highlight during the festival. And here you also see Kosha "Pickles" Dillz on a rap.
Cherrie & Renno is so weird but good.
Direct from Live at Heart was The Vanjas from Sweden.
Garden City Movement. Was cool.
Ouzo Bazooka was the last band out. Well 70:s rock usually not my cup of tea.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Don't pay money for bad education.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
Vad gör man inte för lite PR!
Se hur det är utformat. Javisst han har fått ett njurstensanfall, det är inget trevligt, jag vet jag har själv haft det och det gör ont ( dock är det en barnlek i jämförelse med ett ordentligt giktanfall).
Fast det är mest en ursäkt för att PR staben ska skicka ut ett pressmeddelande ( nej journalister sitter inte och följer kändisars twitter uppdateringar, inte i Antons kaliber). Här kom säkerligen tipset från PR maskinen att kolla in Antons twitter.
Vad som troligtvis har hänt är att Antons nya singel inte har fått det mottagande som de velat och då drar de till med vad som helst. Jag kan glatt erkänna att jag skulle själv gjort likadant, så Antons PR team är på tårna. Vad som är intressant är hur publiken fortfarande duperas av sånt här.
Se på artikeln, Typ en rad och njurstenen, resten är om hans nya singel. Sen lägger man in att hans PR grejer i USA skulle ju kunna vara hotade. Jomen tjena! Anton (som han numera kallar sig) har inget i USA att göra. Knappast några större grejer som görs kring en sådan här idol/melodifestival pryl. Utan det här är Pr för att vi i Svedala ska tro att han är stor och kommer göra bra ifrån sig "over there".
Allt görs väldigt klart när man ser vart hans lyssnar är på Spotify, Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Helsingborg, Kristianstad. Känns jäkligt USA det där.
Det här har vi sett så jäkla många gånger. Folk går ju på att Molly och Danny verkligen hade något på G i USA. Nej de sändes dit för att skriva svenska låtar (hur annars kom de hem och släppte ett album direkt på svenska tror ni?). USA var PR för Sverige än idag har ingen jäkel hört talas om dem i LA. I alla fall ingen med inflytande. Deras Spotify talar också sitt tydliga språk Molly Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Oslo, Helsingborg...ja hon är ju lite av ett Norge skämt. Danny då, Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Helsingborg, Uppsala.....
Samma med Agnes när skivbolaget hade glömt bort att hon existerade. Hon kuskade runt på lite shoppingmalls och sjöng till playback. För det kallade Expressen igår att hon hade en internationell karriär. Hur är det med Agnes stora lyssnare internationellt? Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, London, Helsingborg. Kors i taket en stad utanför norden. Den ligger dock inte i USA.
Tyvärr det här är PR när det inte finns så mycket att ta på. Något man ofta får förskräckta miner från artister när man berättar om hur det verkligen gick till. Så när Malin Collin tror att Tove Lo bestämmer själv vad hon gör, då blir det väldigt roligt.
Tove Lo:s siffror är antagligen dåliga så de gör ett desperat försök att köra henne på Idol (vilket en artist i hennes kaliber inte brukar göra). De bestämmer sen att hon ska göra lite saker så det twittras om henne. Det här med att hon visar tuttarna verkade ju inte gå hem i USA ingen fattade varför. Just Tove Lo blev ju lägligt sjuk på den förra turnén då biljettförsäljningen sviktade rejält på slutet, I klartext hon får göra som hon vill så länge hon säljer. Hon kanske inte skulle ha haft stolpskottet Erik Hassle som förband.
Apropå Hassle, han bor ju i USA och spelar för fullt. Lite mer äkta USA satsning kanske. Fast vi kollar hans Spotify. Stockhol, Göteborg, Köpenham, Malmö, Lund.
Ja det är ingen som har hört om honom heller i de beslutande leden. Kanske han kan få ett njurstensanfall?
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Varför är man med i Idol?
Inget nytt under solen. Vad som skulle diskuteras är hur snabbt de faller i glömska och att Idol faktiskt är ett tv format inte så mycket med verkligheten att göra. Det är väl trots allt lätt att sparka på ett TV format som håller helt på att gå ur tiden (varför gör de en säsong av Idol för? vem tittar? Siffrorna talar sitt tydliga språk)
De som jobbar i de här formaten är faktiskt inte så mycket del av musikbranschen. Eller jo de är de men de tillhör en lägre serie. Lite som att jämföra allsvenskan med premier league. De som jobbar här åker som oftast på mediahora bussen (buss nummer 4 för er som inte bor i Stockholm) och har väldigt lite med musikbranschen att göra.
Samtidigt mina erfarenheter med musikerförbundet är att de oftast håller samma låga nivå som de som gör Idol.
För idols fördel, den reklamtid man åtnjuter kan man faktiskt få in pengar på. Kontrakten är inte så svåra att ta sig ur (jag har själv hjälpt folk ur dessa kontrakt). Att någon skulle få stanna de 10 år som optionerna gäller är väldigt osannolikt.
Trots allt i många av de här fallen så är nog Idol den ända vägen in i musikbranschen, ett försöka att ta en genväg.
Sen att de inte får välja bolag är också för och nackdel, mest nackdel men en del av spelet för att få tittarna att tro att det är på riktigt.
Den ultimata frågan är ju: om man har riktig talang och verkligen vill jobba i musikbranschen varför är du då med i Idol?
Här är lite mer Idol grejer
Don't fake your numbers
I got one here that started off pretty good, but she was telling how she had over 100 000 streams on her first self-released album. Okay the album is over 4 years old so 100 000 streams into 9 songs is actually not that of an eye catcher.
I went into her Spotify and checked it out. And it looked odd. Yes she had 9 songs with around 10000 streams each. But that was the problem. All songs had around 10000 to 13000 streams. If you look on a normal famous artist on Spotify for example Tegan and Sara. Their top five songs looks like
Closer 32 million
Where does the good go 14 million
100x 2,7 milion
boyfriend 5,1 million
Everyhting is AWESOME!!!! 11million
Yes these five are hits but they have different amount of streams. If you take a one hit wonder like Vanilla Ice it looks like.
Ice Ice Baby 44 million...and then it's Ice Ice Baby
in different versions (different ISRC kodes).
So other songs is
Play that funky music 460 000 streams
Baby Got Back 690 405 streams
You dropped a bomb on me 272 139 streams
Jump Around 282 638 streams
So not over a million on the rest of the songs for Vanilla Ice. And that is normal. Usually the singles has more streams then album tracks. So that this has almost exact on all songs just screams fake figures. So I went on to how many listeners the artist has. It was only 20 listeners and they were all from the same city.
So the conclusion is that it´s one person that streams the whole album over and over again (we can just guess who that might be?). Which is not illegal, but today when most things can be cross referenced it's just stupid. Also often i you have an album out the first songs has more streams then the last songs if nothing is promoted.
And to brag about your amount of streams in this way..well not that good.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Let's work togheter, and you do the job!
Over the years I have been better and better to just say no to these things. Right now I work with a couple of lovely teams around artists like Mother Mink, Royal Prospect, Like Swimming, The Magnettes and Adée that is working really hard and you become a good team member getting the feeling to get things done.
But outside this I get so many of these offers that we should join forces. But for now I really have stopped sharing my work and my contacts with people that doesn’t give something back.
I just saw one of these offers online that they wanted me to join. And I get the feeling of high school again. But I will say no this time.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
It's a diffrence of score and a song.
But that is the score. This part is done by a person hired for the game or the movie to do. The Most famous score comes here
As you notice it's going up and down in tempo, build up and more. Usually that I because the music is written along the pictures.
But a song in a movie is a song that fits in. Can be a song to open up a show like this
Still the Friends theme is not that much used in the TV sere itself, which the Star Wars theme is in the Star Wars movies.
So I’m very suspicious when people write that their music is very good for movies or TV series. Specially dark ones. Then I usually get this
And this is one of the rare one that really works. Usually the song should set the tone for a scene. Not for the whole series. So music that is actually good for movie and TV series contains word that are good. Happiness, Money, Winner. Yes songs like We are the champions, Money Money Money with ABBA, stuff like that.
I guess most of the people that say they have songs that are syncable not thinks of ABBA. They thinks more of Twin Peaks but the truth is that ABBA is widely more synced then Twin Peaks.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Last day, demo day
Usually also we get a lot of things sent in these last days. So it will be kind of long hours these next few days. I need to be done before I got to Tune In Tel Aviv.
I'm excited.
An here is the link to send demos until tomorrow morning.
And here is what we do around artists under a year.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Vlog 28 of October
Vlog with gossip around Like Swimming, The Magnettes, Anders Boson, Royal Prospect, Adée, Rookie and Tune in Tel Aviv.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
It won't fall into your lap
The point here is that he has completed several musicians’ education where you get three years paid education to be able to build up a network so you can survive as a musician. Yes in Sweden there are schools like that. Yes I know that everybody that is a struggling musician in the rest of the world now would be like….WHAAAAT! I MOVE TO SWEDEN! So my friend went to that. But he wasted most of the time figuring out what kind of music he wanted to do. And he didn’t took the opportunity to build a network to get opportunities.
But he does quite good music. So good that he got a publishing deal. There he got the opportunity to write for commercials and trailer spots and other stuff that could give him money. I spoke to that publisher half a year ago and the publisher was complaining that my friend never submitted anything. The excuses was so many, short of time, not the right style, didn’t have inspiration, was focusing on his own project.
Yes my friend is lazy, no doubt about it. He thinks that the jobs will fall down on him since he went on these educations. And also that the education itself made him so good that he could survive just to release music for himself. Stupid idea but not that uncommon.
You have to work hard to get the jobs. And in this case he got opportunity’s he just didn’t take them. No it should be easier. And that is why he now has to take a job in the grocery store. He just got a kid (also a reason he needs money). In the end he will have a normal 9 to 5 job and well take down the guitar from time to time and wonder what it would be like to work with your passion.
I had burn so many bridges to carve out where I’m today. I make a living working with music (no I really never wanted to play music, but I love to working with music and all around it). But if I wanted to work with music and an instrument well I would have taken the same journey, the journey that says: take the opportunities. My journey is not done yet and I still everyday has to write 100 emails, do 3 skype calls and 2 normal phone calls just to keep my opportunity’s to land in front of me.
The worst thing is when people say: Oh you’re so lucky to get the chance to work with your hobbies.
No it’s no luck it’s damn hard work. Many times I had to say no to well paid jobs just to take a shit job to be able to get new opportunity’s that lead up to where I want to be.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Don't pay them scam companies
Monday, October 24, 2016
First rehersal!
First rehearsal done with complete dynamite line up. Can just say it rocked. Now planning for record release, video shoot, and promo pictures photography. Stay tuned!
This is just so what artists thinks in most cases. The fun things is in priority. And they is easy listed up there. Also these moments you get tons of updates in social media about, look we are in the studio, look this is the backstage on the photoshoot, look this is the studio last week etc.
In this case what should be priority would be start doing songs. Well maybe they create songs. Maybe they have that but since it was a first rehearsal I doubt it. And even if they have ten songs. They need at least twenty. I guess you need the songs for a record release.
Record release? Today you put them online. Not really that sexy any longer with release party with free booze. More push off a button on the computer and then maybe a gig where you invite your friends.
Picture and video well those are useful. Problem here is you need plenty of them and I mean plenty. So you don’t plan them you just do them.
Still in part of this they should actually think of so much other stuff to plan. Get your web-addresses, hang on to your social media names. Since it was the first rehearsal I doubt they have a name. Just there.
In the end it actually should have said. First rehearsal, no planning how we should reach an audience.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Maybe time to tell the truth?
If you ask me if I like a song, it’s more or less expected that I should say it’s good. And if not that I should give some good advice how to make it better.
Well if it just sucks, I really can’t explain how to polish a turd. It’s really hard. And yes if the music sucks well then all the other stuff is has no meaning.
Same around people. So I’m not allowed to tell people that this person sucks, or that company sucks. This climate we have in the business in Sweden we just create an army of people thinking that they actually know something but in reality just is worthless piece of shit for the artist (which they usually finds out, way too late).
During my time pressing CD:s (yes we had a company doing that). We had a company doing so bad CD:s that we couldn’t use them in our physical distribution. The CD:s where usually malfunction and they didn’t check the graphics or that all codes was there. So of course I told people on a meeting with all record labels that our distribution system didn’t take CD:s made from this manufacture.
All hell broke loose. Yes everybody knew what I said was true. All the professional people knew this and never used them. All the small ones that was new in the business thought them where ok since they were cheaper. But they never figured out why they got no on all the distribution companies.
I thought that was a good thing to say to the new ones as a favor. But no. We could not say things like this in the room. No afterwards when we had the coffee break then it was ok to talk person to person and use that as gossip. That didn’t help all the people that got screwed.
It went so far that we were not allowed to have that as info on our homepage. Instead we had to inform people when they had done a really bad run with the manufacturer that we couldn’t take in their CD:s. Of course they went mad that we didn’t inform around that before. So it was like shooting the messenger all the time.
Right now it feels like it’s like that again. You are not allowed to tell witch companies distribution system sucks (several of the major ones is really bad). Not witch sites are going down.
You can’t tell people: No you’re not a record label if you give out your own music through Tunecore. And no you’re not suitable to give advice how to give out music since you signed off all your publishing rights to CDbaby.
I’m thinking of just tell them….it’s rather time now.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Sometimes you just follow along!
I got emails and messages during these days with different angels to the problem. Don’t get me wrong I already from the beginning said that the font was totally wrong. But no the artist liked that font, end of conversation. At the same time during the digital age everything is written out so the font on the picture is not really a big deal, in those cases you just follow along. So whatever message that came in I was more like. Yes it’s ok. I didn’t put in any effort. Since the whole thing was kind of pointless.
And still the war in the artist brain kept ongoing. Should it be pink or blue? On the third day the artist went for pink. And until this day I had no what so ever effect or point. It didn’t get the song to be played more. It didn’t effect really anything accept a loss of three days of work on nothing. In these cases it’s better to just follow along and focus on something else.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Who is doing what?
This is the reason why record labels have kind of strict contracts. I have been in that situation also, but with bands. A couple of years ago we got contacted from a management that has band but couldn’t get them nowhere. We wanted to help out so we made an agreement that yes we would try in our network and if something happened we could be part of it.
The thing was that this management bragged about how good contacts they had with the big labels. The strange part was that they seemed not to get any response for this band.
We put it out, secured them a opening slot for a band on European tour. We got them a big placement in a commercial that really brook them really big in the Nordic countries. Suddenly when we wanted some money from the commercial that we placed, did all the legal papers of and used our network really hard to secure, it was a big no. The work we had done was worth nothing.
Suddenly since they were hot some bigger labels had gone by and asked about the band. So behind our back they had sold the band and of course the placement we did they wanted all the money since they didn't get any upfront money. We should just be lucky to have worked with the band in there eyes.
Since I have been working over 25 year in the business I know this kind of things. We wanted to help out but we also had a fast plan B. So we just had to start to shut things down. Go around to all our clients and tell them the story. What they didn’t know was that we also had a deal with a huge brand with over 1 million dollar that was ongoing. We just shut that down. Yes the band lost 1 million dollar, which they until today knows nothing about.
Still some of our work was still in progress. This we couldn’t stop so for the band it looked like after we left they still got these cool things coming at least a year after. This is how you work, it is things going on that is in the pipeline. That is why you have sunset clause in contracts.
The funny part was when I was on a lecture and a kid in the audience was friends with them. And they had told him that nothing really happened with that placement. That the placement was done from the band. And the tour was done by them and all the other things was a result of their hard work. It was interesting to hear that since the kid didn’t know what role I played in the story.
After a year they machinery stopped. They was stuck in this major publishing and major record company. What the label wanted was that things that we had created should still happened to the band. Of course they wanted the band to create these opportunity’s. The problem was that all was done by us. So the band couldn’t create anything, neither could the managment. Also they had got many people dislike them since they knew the story after all the industry is not that big.
The companies quickly grew tired of them since nothing was happening. All the numbers was around the song that was on the placement. Fast they were back on the square where they started. In one way they didn’t knew who was doing all these things.
I genuine believe that all what they said to the kid was what they actually believed. That these things happened just because they write good songs and them spread naturally. Also the management was crooked. They tried to take over contacts and keept the band in the dark. But luckily we actually protected the best contacts from them. They got some smaller ones, but those quickly knew something was wrong and left them.
This is not that unusual, I see it all the time. Especially when you place things and a lot of money comes around. Suddenly many things that this can easy be repeated and cut us out and keep more money to themselves. It’s just how the business is. But yes those that act that way usually never get a second chance. Your job is to look into who is doing what? And if someone is doing things right try to award that person.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
What I’m really looking for?
What I’m not looking for is artist that always says that they would like to have a career but always put it as second priority.
Yes I work almost 8 hours a day (often much more) around our artist’s music. And that is everyday even a Sunday, Christmas Eve or any other day. And I expect the artist to do the same. If they are 4 people in the band and they put up just 2 hours a day to keep up my tempo I would be happy.
As it looks in many cases it me working 8 hours a day the band 2 hours a week, and that is on Wednesday when they rehearsal.
I also want artist that wants to try new things. Not the same bullshit like we should have an interview in Pitchfork. Well if you did things so people recognize you Pitchfork will come. But no do something that no one else has done that is no go. Especially not the things where it’s boring things like seeking up people online to get them to listen to your music. No they rather do a video shoot for weeks and then edit it for months, and put it out for no audience in the end since they didn’t do the ground things by seeking people up.
The most I want is the artist that actually go and do that boring gig instead of that fun party that your friend is holding the same weekend. Or doing that shoot to record a song for a commercial instead of going home to watch Games of Thrones.
This is the hard part. There is millions of people that are writing good songs out there. But Out of a million it’s only ten that actually go for it to get listener to it.
I actually would be fine with a mediocre songwriter as long they actually did the other passionate stuff around marketing.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Are you doing PR for your ego or to get results?
Like there is a point to be in the press? I mean I can’t remember when I last time bought a physical newspaper. No what they are after is to get a reviews, like there is that many reviews any longer except for small German fanzines. Or even better a personal interview, where they journalist ask these questions you dreamt of answering since you started with music.
Guess what, this question is never coming. If there is questions and a interview it will be strange questions about what kind of jam you like or the weirdest restaurant you been to. They won’t ask about your inspiration or what kind of gear you play on.
Actually to get best results is to use the online ads and great keywords. Really that is most cost effective. Not so sexy I know, but if you are in for the sales that is the best.
But the ego is what talking so I still see all these artists buying PR services that really don’t get you anywhere. Send outs to countless blogs, newspapers. That even if they respond on it, you won’t really get any sales out of it.
Yes this is how you did it in the past. They sucked already back then, but that was the only way.
I spoke to a good friend who works on an ad agency. He said the same, even with the big companies they go for ego. They had developed new tools where you can pinpoint the target group. Get most out of each penny spend. Still the buyers wanted a totally useless ad in the big newspaper costing a fortune. Why, well it’s the ego. You can tell your friends, look on this full page in the morning paper. Okay for the same amount of money you can reach the right target group for a whole year and getting more sales. But ego is hard to talk sense to.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Video logg
The Vlog holds things about Videos of The Magnettes, Mother Mink and State of grace. Also new intreviews with Adée and Royal Prospects. And secrets and invetations.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
If your social media looks like shit.
- Well you can’t get Pitchfork to write about you, if your social media looks like shit. Doesn’t matter how good song you have, or cool story. The social media shines through. Most of the times this is the part that the artists or mangers don’t understand.
And she would know. She has written several successful books about the topic. And when I look to myself it’s the same. A friend of mine signed an unknown band a couple a weeks ago. And what did I do. I didn’t listen to the music (mainly since my friend only work with bands in a special genre). No I went to their social media and looked on their figures and what they looked like. I guess several of us do the same.
And here is how I looked on it:
I went to their Facebook. Okey the band has the most awful logo there is. Has nothing to do with the name. Their head banner is a shoot clearly not done by a professional photographer. They surrounding is in a rehearsal room and they are standing there with their normal clothes. I guess the picture is taken just as a thing during a rehearsal. But it’s not good for representation for your Facebook.The funny part is some post down in the FB feed you find a post that they had taken professional photos with a photographer a month earlier. So why don't use that? The updates on the page was kind of slow, they updated around once a week witch is really to slow for a facebookpage.
The problem was the posts also. All was about them rehearsing or recording. The things you really DON’T CARE about. Most it was “we are rehearsing the new cool song that comes next month. In the end of the timeline that song they talked about was pushed. Ok I looked how long the page been up they had been around four years. During these years they got up to 900 likes. Well the number is not that shows everything. You can have 200 000 likes but if no one interacts with your posts it’s no point. Rather have 100 followers and 1000 interaction to your posts. So I looked on the interaction, and here it showed a lot. Every post had around 4 likes. So that means the 900 fans doesn’t care about them.
Since it was so much just in the rehearsal room I thought about gigs. One was posted on Facebook but I wanted all gigs so I went to their homepage. The homepage was good made. But the gig past revealed a lot about the band. This year they only had done one show, last year just two shows. Not so active band. In total of these 4 years they had done eight shows.
So I went to their Spotify, okay it’s not part of the normal social media. But in this world it counts. They only had 41 listeners. 42 followers so their account was not secured. All songs under 1000 listening’s. But they had released 3 singles, 1 ep and 1 album. In comparison, they have released more songs they had gigs.
The Twittter was more active. They got over 2000 followers. Still they followed 2300 people. So a good rating they had done over 1400 tweets and was pretty active. But the same problem. Around 1 like on each tweet. But they tweeted every day. Still all tweets was about rehersing again.
Instagram, okay figure wise. Still it was less than a picture a week. The picture got good likes even though they were really boring just old live pictures and photos of recordings and sleeves for new songs.
Youtube well 9 videos, two official ones, 8 with songs and just pictures from the album. And one when recording (stop we don’t want to see you in the studio no more).
Youtube is usually the weakest channel for artists. It’s a pity since it’s the biggest search engine in the world.
So this is how I looked on their social media. And yes totally that Pitchfork would jump this even if it was a good song. Most of the time people think that it doesn’t matter what everything else looks like. But it tells a story. Here is that this band has been hiding the last years in the studio. Really doesn’t have and audience and well not so good of getting their pages to look good. But worst the pages was not social. It was about them in a studio. Nothing about the band what they like, eat, doing as a hobby, whatever would have been fine. Luckily my friend who took them is rather good on this so I think he will fix the problems.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Putting up goals, put the right ones.
This round has been clearer than ever, and more detailed than ever. Much thanks to an EU project that we are a part of that really has gone in to the core of the business.
I have over the years tried to implement this on our artists and artists in general. The problem has usually not been as clear as they are right now. When you ask an artist to make a plan they go after the wrong goals. And many times I have let them do it since we didn't see what was really important in the new industry. Most plans I see contains things like:
1. In one year we have a signed record deal.
2. We have given out an album
3. We tour Europe to support the album.
4. We play midsized festivals.
5. We do a showcase in USA.
Okay goals. But it all miss the important thing, audience. And center of all it all comes down to get a record deal. If that doesn't happen? Well then it will be no album, no album no European tour. And goodbye to the midsized festivals since they need an album release.
The reality is usually that they are not ready for a deal. Maybe the songs is not there. Actually even with a deal you need a constant flow of songs. So one goal should be how many songs that should be written over the year.
And an album release might not secure the festivals or European tour. That has to do with bodies that the music can draw to a place. One goal should be to set limits of fans on their social media.
Showcase in USA, also here is many factors that breaks in. Most of all why do that? Is there a interest from there. Is it get a better network? It might be the best of the suggestions in the plan but can also be the worst.
What I see is often that the artist looks in the plan that someone else should do the work. Their work is mainly to find that person, then their work is over and the magic happens.
Right now more than ever you can do plans with goals with simple tools just relaying on getting the people that likes your art.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Sign a deal or a paper?
At the same time I have had several meetings with other players that you need today. Many of them agrees the record labels are more a distraction and a break in the career in many cases. Don't get me wrong there is great record labels out there. But it's not the majority of them, rather if you get lucky and everything locks up with several other things they work out. In many cases they are just a sign on a paper.
This myth is so hard to break. As hard as the myth that you get fat by eating fat food. No there is no total truth of the fat food same as the record label myth. Signing a deal dosen't really mean anything.
A Swedish journalist just quoted "you need a team, just that team doesn't need to work on a record label."
So I hope it goes well with my friends signing. That this is the right team. Someone wrote in the comments "You really deserve this after working so hard". I rather hope for that they deserve a career after working hard. Not that they worked hard to sign a paper.