Monday, April 8, 2019

Don't put make up on a pig in production.

Seems like today's artists think production is everything. We see how they compete to have the most perfect production all the time. In this process, they have forgotten that it's all about the song. If the song sucks already from the start production just becomes like putting makeup on a pig, it's still a pig. I get too many pig songs for the moment, yes the production is slick but the song is as ugly as my Macarena dance.

A good song you can transform into anything. A good song becomes great acoustic, or with a symphony orchestra or even as a metal version. And that is because the song which is the ground to the whole thing is good. Today it feels more like the artists and songwriters try to hide the bad songwriting behind a cool production. Then they try to get it online and buy as many streams they can and think they done a hit.

Another bad side effect of this is that when you start to criticize the song they already have done so much production that they feel they don't want to lose that work they have already put down. They instead start to fix small things in the production thinking that it gets me like the song.

I'm pretty tired to send out stuff that is just halfway. The competition is so hard out there that at least the song as to be good. The production is just the icing on the cake that is the last you do. You don't start with the icing and then start to get the cake inside. If you present a cake like that the consumer directly sees (in this case hear) that it's something wrong.

Right now I miss good songwriters. Good producers are like snowflakes everywhere and plenty of. mainly because most tools are digital they are also like snow, white and empty there is really no thinking like in the old days when if they need a sound they had made it up. Today you just download a plugin. There is no thought or handcraft behind it.

Yes, all this devalues the music industry for the moment.

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