Wednesday, March 8, 2017

We can fix everything!

I’m really tired of the service companies that treat the artists like cattle. It’s so many of them, like Sonicbids, Band Camp, Reverb nation etc. They might offer a small thing for you as an artist. Usually that you can get something if you pay a small fee. In reality these companies only survive that they have millions of artist that they really not give a damn about.

You can recognize this by that they always can promise you everything as long as you have the fan base to bring in. If you had the fan base, well then you really don’t need their services. A good reason why they almost never have any active bigger artists that is active on their sites.

I have never seen any of these companies actually can get you a bigger fan base. They can provide everything else like companies that can sponsor you if you have the fan base or other services as long as you can control the people.

I guess the golden age is over for them now. Still there is too many of them out there.
The future is not going in these companies; instead have small team that actually cares about you.

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