Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The gut feeling is not always right!

Yes, you should trust your gut feeling. But there are cases where you get fooled about it since it's not the first feeling. A gut feeling is usually that comes direct, nothing that builds up.

When it comes to singles and how good a song is are usllay gut feeling. Still, many artists work so much with the song that they build up a gut feeling around the song since they have heard it so many times it's so familiar.

In the movie industry, it's called "kill your darlings". The expressions come after the director has worked with a scene for a long time and really fallen in love with the scene. Then the producers and the test audience comes in and really don't see a point to have the scene in the movie.

Suddenly the director comes up with excuses to keep these scenes just because it's their darling scene. And many of the arguments when you do a movie is just around that you have to kill your darlings.

The directors gut feeling is to keep the scene since they have an attachment to the scene, still, the gut feeling of many others is that it should not be there.

This happens a lot in the music industry but in the lower fields, people tend to just let it go by. If the artist is pushy they get their thoughts through. In the end, though the team is not that excited to work with a song that everybody thinks is ok, not perfect. And when you get your feedback in and all the bloggers tend to say the same thing, yes it's ok but nothing special you just lose interest in the project.

So how to get all excited about a song? One trick is to present several songs and let the team choose. At the same time be prepared to "kill your darlings" also be prepared to get a no, on each song and start over again.

The ugly truth is that with today's system you actually compete with the biggest artist in the world on the same space.

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