I'm really not good on it myself so I will try to fill my blog in the system just to show that it can be done (actually that is a reason why this blog is here, to show some artist that you can do a blog about almost nothing and still get readers and nurse them).
So 10 % should be self-promotion. So, in this case, it would be me telling people to read my blog. And yes I do that every Monday to Friday by just posting one of my posts on my social media. And with a good headline, I lure people in and rad it. Actually around 200 people every day. What I shouldn't do is to promote the same post over and over again even though I'm very pleased how it turned out. Here is a difference between you and me, you might just have one song out to promote. Still, you have to be smart around it. Make posts that should be in the 70 %, It's down in the text.
20% of the post should be shared from and or for other artists. I suck on this. Sure I share funny pictures and sometimes someone's post. I should be sending more out of articles I read. Yes, let's do that. Also, one thing I'm a real sucker on is promoting my own bands. I should do some of the bands I like as well.
70% Should build your brand. In my case should build my story. I guess I do that but can be better on it. The people that follow me on Facebook and Instagram know how I post pictures from the view of the hotel room. The one that has been with me longer also know the reason. I should actually do things like that more so people can follow more and make a person behind the stories.
I guess posting new stories is actually in the 70%. I don't ask people to read them. I rather take up a subject that they will hook on. My problem is that people read them, but won't comment on them so it is more like a news channel. In fact, over these three years and over 600 posts I only got around five comments.
Of course, this comes from another cool blog check it out.
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