A blog about life as a Music industry professional, what is going on why do we choose artists like we do and what kind of work are we doing.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Test new things, don't wait
Well a bit to late. If the artist had jumped on the train when we where it should not have been a problem. But doing it today is nearly impossible. So supporting new things is really really important.
So even if Strumlive is just starting, yes i'm on it and hope all luck for them.
Todays band Passion Bel Canon
Todays band is Passion Bel Canon. Check them out!
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
3 tips for artists, Peter Schwinge
Here is Peter Schwinge from New Music Seminar, one of the best places to learn about new music also one of the oldest music conferances.
Todays band The Stone Foxes
Todays band is The Stone Foxes. I saw them on SXSW a couple years ago. Check them out!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
How to get a job as an A&R?
Todays band Bronze Radio Returns
Todays band is Bronze Radio Return. I saw them on SXSW a couple years ago. Check them out!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Toadys band The April Tears
Todays band is The April Tears. Yes i gave out their collection. But the album Cunsume Desire is one of the best albums ever. To bad they are not playing any longer. Check them out!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Todays band Flora Cash
Todays band is Flora Cash from Sweden. Check them out!
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Make a deal?
This is part 4 is a sepacial on the word "make a deal".
Business model - as follows...
Part 1
• Continual flow of single package/EP releases.
o Plugging
o Gigs
o Music Video
o Press imagery
o All new release artwork will feature as the backdrop for the website along with
corresponding banners and ‘click-throughs’ to iTunes and/or Spotify – this will
be consistent across all public facing platforms.
Part 2
• Build ‘banked tracks’ – Currently 12 unreleased.
The intention is that if we keep a consistent flow of releases whilst scaling up our investment
(and therefore exposure), we should start to make equivalent ‘noise’ in the industry.
Hopefully this will make the act more attractive to booking agents, labels and/or publishers
Part 3
so that as soon as we are deemed ‘ready’, we will be prepared with:
• more than an albums worth of tracks;
• a solid release campaign template ;
• and a release history with a track record of achievements (sales, venues played, radio
Part 4
The ultimate aims are to secure an agent, an industry immersed co-manager and sign a
deal by the end of 2016/early 2017.
Todays band 23 Till
Todays band is 23 Till one of the reasons I started in this business. Really gonna see them this summer. Check them out!
This is a cover of a old progg song. and it was banned on radio!
Friday, June 24, 2016
My Birthday!
So yes this is written beforehand. Also I think it is Midsummerseve in Sweden today so i guess my facebook feed might be slower or more. More because more peopel get online just for Midsummer ( to damn many pioctures of kids dancing around an upside down penis) or less since people are actually meeting people in real life and that is cool.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
To be ready?
This is part 3
Business model - as follows...
Part 1
• Continual flow of single package/EP releases.
o Plugging
o Gigs
o Music Video
o Press imagery
o All new release artwork will feature as the backdrop for the website along with
corresponding banners and ‘click-throughs’ to iTunes and/or Spotify – this will
be consistent across all public facing platforms.
Part 2
• Build ‘banked tracks’ – Currently 12 unreleased.
The intention is that if we keep a consistent flow of releases whilst scaling up our investment
(and therefore exposure), we should start to make equivalent ‘noise’ in the industry.
Hopefully this will make the act more attractive to booking agents, labels and/or publishers
Part 3
so that as soon as we are deemed ‘ready’, we will be prepared with:
• more than an albums worth of tracks;
• a solid release campaign template ;
• and a release history with a track record of achievements (sales, venues played, radio
The ultimate aims are to secure an agent, an industry immersed co-manager and sign a
deal by the end of 2016/early 2017.
Todays band Osten Af
Todays band is Osten Af. Swedish hip-hop, still the best in Sweden for a long time. Check him out!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
3 tips for artists, Jorge
Here is Jorge from Faro Latino who is specialist on Youtube and other streaming services. He has also been a musician for many many years.
Well Jorge work with digital solutions so it's not an easy question.
Todays band Browsing Collection
Todays band is Browsing Collection from Sweden. Check them out!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Tracks and make noise in the industry
This is part 2
Business model - as follows...
Part 1
• Continual flow of single package/EP releases.
o Plugging
o Gigs
o Music Video
o Press imagery
o All new release artwork will feature as the backdrop for the website along with
corresponding banners and ‘click-throughs’ to iTunes and/or Spotify – this will
be consistent across all public facing platforms.
Part 2
• Build ‘banked tracks’ – Currently 12 unreleased.
The intention is that if we keep a consistent flow of releases whilst scaling up our investment
(and therefore exposure), we should start to make equivalent ‘noise’ in the industry.
Hopefully this will make the act more attractive to booking agents, labels and/or publishers
Part 3
so that as soon as we are deemed ‘ready’, we will be prepared with:
• more than an albums worth of tracks;
• a solid release campaign template ;
• and a release history with a track record of achievements (sales, venues played, radio
The ultimate aims are to secure an agent, an industry immersed co-manager and sign a
deal by the end of 2016/early 2017.
Todays band Twin Kennedy
Todays band is Twin Kennedy. The past days has been much Candian since a lot of good music comes from that area. Here is the country duo Twin Kennedy Check them out!
Hurray 10 000 views!
I started this blogg beacause I wanted to prove for the artists that I work with that not everything just happens. And you have to be precistant.
So who wants to read about a middelage guy whining about his A&R job. Well someone but it's rather obscure, not like when you have good music to spread. Still the blog got 10 000 views. 200 posts almost took it to get to this amount. I have run 3 or 4 diffrent strategys how to lure people in. And also imagine that 180 of the post was just in Swedish witch limited the blog quite much.
Yes you can do it to collect fans. You just have to hang on to it, and keep it going. If I had my music out I would now had 10000 chanses that people would have been listening. I know not all of them would but lets say 50% that is 5000 listnings. Well maybe it's some that is the same poeple. So let's take the half 2500. It's 2500 people i could have turned into fans if I had music.
Today to be an artist you really have to do this. And there is so many tools to help you out, videos, blogs, sound, images.
So will I stop now, hell no, there is more things to prove and more to whine about.
So here is some more fact
Most read post, is the post when I tell that the Swedish acadamy for music is a bunch of noobs. This got a very big spread. It's in swedish though.
The strange part, no one had anything to comment on it. Not even an comment on Facbook where it got the most readers from. And yes with 200 posts, I only have 2 comments. I thought I would have some comments when I wrote that artists are cattle. But nope, the comments are on my April fools joke (witch was my second biggest read post, and yes that one got ALOT of comments on Facebook) and one from a friend that is sarcastic when I shoot down a russian artists.
Witch countrys are reading:
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Lyrics will be more important!
We are heading with giant leaps that a new market is ongoing. Not Brasil, China or India thoiugh they are intresting as well. Noi'm talking about lyrics and the possibility to get them translated while you are playing.
Suddenly we understand the rapper from Brazil that sings in portugese, or the folksong from Sweden. This opens so many oppertunitys for new artists that we before just didn't count on since they where stuck to a market becuse of translation.
I'm going to these new markets and are going on this wave right now. So yes i will introduce some Swedish music to Todays band on my site. Lyrics is not the limitation anymore.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Musiker har nästan alltid guds gåva till människan.
Hej alla!
Jag söker tips på person/bolag som är har seriös koll på marknadsföring av musik/musikvideo framför allt via sociala medier, bloggar osv – gärna med egna kanaler, men annars bara med kunnandet. Helst om ni vet att de faktiskt JOBBAR och FÅR RESULTAT och inte bara svänger sig med diverse buzzwords… Jag har en kul och övertygande pryl som inte liknar något annat och kan bli riktigt stor, men det gäller ju att få fyr på brasan också. Budget finns.
Vore även högst tacksam för alla slags tips om hur man kan nå ut med en låt till en massa dj’s, i första hand i Sverige.
Det som är grejen är att han pratar om att "jobbar och får resultat". samtidigt som han har en kul och övertygande grej som kan bli riktigt stor.
Jag vet inte hur många gånger i veckan jag hör det här.
- Vi har årets sommarhit. Det här är det bästa vi gjort. Liknar inget annat. Vår video borde bli viral, kan bli skitstor etc etc etc.
Tyvärr brukar deras ord inte stämma överens med verkligheten. De som säger sådana saker brukar ofta ha mediokra saker som inte brukar kunna synas. Det är också det man räknar med i PR branschen. Klart gör du marknadsföring för nya Kent plattan behöver du bara sitta och svara nej på allt, för Kent säger nej till allt. dessutom allt du föreslår media får du ett ja på. Jobbar du för Pernilla Wahlgren/ Laila Bagge kan kan du hitta de mest obskyra småtidningar som "Du och din kolonilott" och vinkla det eftersom Pernilla/Laila är så jävla mediakåta. Fast det brukar inte bli någon större buzz för det.
Sen kommer det till alla helt okända. Där vet man att det är otroligt svårt att få något alls, inte ens "Du och din kolonilott" vill ha ett reportage, spelar ingen roll hur bra sakerna är, det är storyn som räknas.
Så när en total nobody så handlar det inte om att PR firman inte jobbar. De kan nog lägga trippla tiden än vad de gjorde på Pernilla och Laila men bara komma fram med en tiondel. Just för att Pernilla och Laila har ett varumärke (smutsigt varumärke men ändå). Det är också varför de större PR firmorna har råd att tacka nej till mängder med smålirare som har den perfekta låten/videon.
Det brukar också vara så att dessa små lirare inte heller har det andra som krävs. Plötsligen ska det finnas koder, bios, foton i viss kvalité något som de inte alls tänkt på utan mest levererat den där videon som ska bli så stor.
Sen budget finns. Jo man tackar. Undrar just om den budgeten övergår ett sex siffrigt belopp. Det är vad en marknadsbudget brukar gå över om man ska ha de resultaten som den här personer tror sig kunna få. Gissar dock att budgeten är under den normala som en pr agent tar runt 30 000 kr.
Allt för ofta är det inte alls PR sidans fel utan det är fel på produkten. 99% av fallen är det just där felet sitter alternativt för höga förväntningar. Trots allt det är otroligt sällan en PR firma lyckas få något viralt. Det händer men de som jobbar med det här vet att det är så många faktorer som ska komma ihop att det är lite slump om det händer. Det handlar inte om hur mycket man jobbar.
Få ut den till en massa DJ:s i Sverige...Öhh om du gör en hit så kommer de nog spela den ska du se. De letar nog sin musik på Spotify så du lär väl komma in på DJ listorna. Inget en PR agent sysslar med. Inte i Sverige i alla fall.
I slutändan ingen seriös skulle plocka upp det här. Så han kommer få någon desperat och inte få det han behöver (som egentligen inte går att få). Sen kommer han skylla sitt misslyckande på att PR:n var fel. Här är ytterligare ett skäl till varför jag inte tar vad artister säger så seriöst.
Business model?
This is part 1
Business model - as follows...
Part 1
• Continual flow of single package/EP releases.
o Plugging
o Gigs
o Music Video
o Press imagery
o All new release artwork will feature as the backdrop for the website along with
corresponding banners and ‘click-throughs’ to iTunes and/or Spotify – this will
be consistent across all public facing platforms.
Part 2
• Build ‘banked tracks’ – Currently 12 unreleased.
The intention is that if we keep a consistent flow of releases whilst scaling up our investment
(and therefore exposure), we should start to make equivalent ‘noise’ in the industry.
Hopefully this will make the act more attractive to booking agents, labels and/or publishers
Part 3
so that as soon as we are deemed ‘ready’, we will be prepared with:
• more than an albums worth of tracks;
• a solid release campaign template ;
• and a release history with a track record of achievements (sales, venues played, radio
The ultimate aims are to secure an agent, an industry immersed co-manager and sign a
deal by the end of 2016/early 2017.
Todays band: Johnny McCuaig Band
Todays band is Johnny McCuaig Band, another Canadian band comes to Sweden in September. Check them out!
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Todays band: Sunrise and good people
Todays band is Sunrise and Good People. Canadian band I saw during Midem. Check them out!
3 tips for artists, Preetam
Here is Preetam that i meet during Youbloom on Ireland. He has his own company Letting Artist make Art (LAMA) in Canada. But he is also an artist,
Friday, June 17, 2016
3 tips for artists, Delphine
I meet Delphine during Midem in Cannes. She works with Midem Artist Accelerator program and has worked with many great artists this year.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
How to get kicked from the label
3 tips for artists, Bosse
Here is Bosse Nicolausson. He is running the goverment founded program Talent Coach in Sweden getting great artists on the market. He also played professionally in the hard rock band Charizma for many years around the world.
I guess the tip might be work hard (I guess we have seen that one before).
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
DIY can it be done?
My name is P***** and I'm the Artist & Label Rep at *****Disttibution***. We are a digital music distributor and independent music services provider based out of USA.
First off, congratulations on all your recent success! I think it's so cool that you landed a gig recently at SXSW. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to grow your fan base like you have. We too are an independent company that has grown very organically, so we really appreciate seeing the same hard work in the scene. In fact, we'll be celebrating our 10 year anniversary in December.
But I’d love to learn more about where you stand on the distribution front because we can assist in getting your music to retailers like: iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Shazam, Pandora, and the list goes on. If you already have distribution in place, I'd also like to extend our non-exclusive services to you guys, such as: Publishing Administration, Neighboring Rights, YouTube & Soundcloud Monetization, Sync Licensing, Piracy Protection, and even Graphic Design & Marketing services.
If there is any way I can personally help out, don’t hesitate to reach out. I would love to be able to support.
Appreciate your time and look forward to linking up.
Sounds ok, well maybe not. I will get more into things in my Video log under here. I also get something in the text here.
1, The compnay is not in the big citys of music, NYC, Los Angels, Nashville or Chicago. They are in a very small state.
2. Seeking out distribution on an artist that played on SXSW. Well, I guess if you played there you have distribution.
3.The extra stuff...well that is just a bad publishingdeal. Since they are not in the big areas and I never heard of the company the sync side will not be that good. Also there are several companies doing that pretty good that you can upload for yourself. I wonder what these Marketing services would be? Usually it's that they hire a pr company and take a cut between. Most of this you can get for free at your PRS without paying or give away procentage.
There is hunderds of these compnaies out there. And I don't think any of them has ever broken an artist.
Well it's what i'm discussing a bit in my Vlog today.
And here is the post i'm talking about in the clip
Monday, June 13, 2016
Vacation, well at least two days
So I hope to give a better video thing tomorrow I got in some rellay intresting stuff in the mail.
I usually just nagg about how artist does it wrong. Okey here is one doing it right. Got this in my mail:
Hi Peter,
It's Deborah Byrne from harmonic alt-pop duo Hvmmingbyrd. It was great to meet you last week in YouBloom - thanks for sharing your time and insight with me. I've been thinking a lot since you said how important our story is - we hope to come up with something more interesting soon!
I thought I'd follow up by sending you some of our music if you were interested in hearing it:
Upcoming single 'If Love Was Enough' (unreleased for now so not for public sharing): ****taken off *****
Live video a Madonna/Massive Attack mash up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2f965g5q1E
Track from debut album 'Honeymoon': https://soundcloud.com/hvmmingbyrd/honeymoon
Recent single 'Out of My Head': https://open.spotify.com/track/0w0eElEbIDqCpVZqxL3rDe
Hope you had good travels on to your next exotic destination! I applied for Live at Heart so maybe we'll meet in Sweden some day :)
Kind regards,
This is so perfect it's not to long, she reminds me where we meet (I remember her, she had some really intresting stories, and was very proffessional, still I do several conventions so it's sometimes good to remind me).
Here links is good. And go a head the band has really great sound a really good hidden gem. Sadly I never saw them live during Youbloom.
All info is here like phone.
Yes I actually took my time to get through these links, and she got my ears. You really don't need more then this,
Sunday, June 12, 2016
3 tips for artists, Suzanne
I meet Suzanne in a jury during Youbloom in Ireland. Suzanne work with TV programs and programming them with artists. She has also worked on MTV and with the band U2.
Friday, June 10, 2016
The Office Pinball
I actually play better with two hands.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Whats is Pitbull doing on CMT?
Well, I guess Country is the only genre that we consider not so serious music here in europe (the other ones is Classical, Jazz and Folkmusic), that has moved forward to become popular again. Maybe they should lift up boring unserious events like Jazzahead, Classical Next, Womex with a performance of Pitbull? Or why not take in Dr Alban maybe these genres could be big again. No wait...where is Vanilla Ice!
Well at least CMT and Country tried to be cool. It reminds me a bit about this:
Tjabo the office dog
3 tips for artists, Laura
Here is Laura from Aztec records in London who is bringing the great artist NINA into the musicmarket. So here is Lauras three tip for artists.
So the hottest tip: WORK, no sleep.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Switching to english and stupid demos
Also new vill be the video log. I will get videos as diffrent things.
Well we start of with the lastest, people who seeks you out on Linked In. I used to keep my Linked in clean until the damn thing went ballistik and added all in my gmail friends. So i started to accept everyone, before i took off musicans, producers and songwriters if I didn't knew them.
This of course got me alot of people sending demos through Linked In. Well if I meet you and asked for it that way, sure, but just befriend me and send demos is really not ok. I just decided to answer the truth to people on Linked In. It will be all fun conversations.
First out the Russian composer. And with that said....
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Meningslösa uppgifter.
Det finns många ordstäv för att göra meningslösa saker. Sminka en gris är min favorit. Just nu är det en hel del sminkning som pågår. Lite som att gräva en grop i ett par timmar för att sen fylla igen den.
Visst de som vill ha uppgiften gjord tror ju att man gör dem en tjänst. Men det är mest för att de inte förstår vad som krävs i det stora hela. T.ex skicka ut förfrågningar till festivaler en vecka innan festivalen känns väldigt meningslöst. Men det är lite som Adée säger i slutet av sin show. Hoppet är det sista som lämnar människan.
Frågan är om jag ska sätta mig och skriva det där mailet. Det kommer säkert ta 20 min. Det kommer med 99.9% säkerhet inte leda någonstans. Jag vet att jag skulle kunna göra något bättre och mer produktivt för artisten istället. Samtidigt kommer artisten alltid tänka om vi skickade det där mailet så kanske jag var en av de där 0,1% som bara hände.