A blog about life as a Music industry professional, what is going on why do we choose artists like we do and what kind of work are we doing.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
You know its over..
Todays artist Turbonegro
Todays artist is Turbonegro
Friday, July 29, 2016
Today The Magnettes play on the big stage on Pride in Stockholm and i will take pictures. It will be great.
Todays artist Mother Mink
Todays artist is Mother Mink from Stockholm
Thursday, July 28, 2016
When one door closes,..
Todays artist Michael Fannon
Todays artist is Michael Fannon, this live consert I actually was there looking.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
New arenas
Todays artist Das Ich
Todays artist is Das Ich that have seen several times, really cool band.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Todays band Matilda Lindell
Todays artist is Matilda Lindell that is doing a new album for the autumn.
Lika överallt
Pratade just med en person i filmindustrin. Där tror alla att allt blir bättre ju nyare och häftigare kamera man har. I musikindustrin är det ju bättre studio. Gissar att alla brancher har det här. Trots allt det hänger på innehållet och marknadsföring något som de flesta lägger sist på prio listan.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Todays Pedro Caxade
Todays artist is Pedro Caxade that has a great new song about a very important topic. #weareallimmigrant
Focus you should only do one thing!
Not really. To be in the level of a professional soccer player you have to be focused. You can't join two different sports you have to go for one, make a choice. Of course when you are on a low level you can play as many sports you like, but only on a low level just for fun. Also they form their lives for the sport. If a soccer player is drafted for a team they move to that city. They can't skip a practice just since they friends has a party (they actually get fines to miss practice). They live and breathe the sport.
It's the same as artist. If you reach for the biggest stars you have to be focused like a professional athlete. You have to adopt your surroundings to fit your goal.
I meet many artists that has that goal but when they say no to gigs because they can't get time off from work then you start to wonder. Yes a professional soccer player has a salary. Still they had made the same choice earlier, saying no to a nine to five job to play their game. Or artists that has a bunch of diffrent musical projects is the same, it's like playing diffrent sports, it's fun but not focused enough.
You just outcount artists that starts to say no to things. The soccer player would not say no to a practice or a game since they are so focused around the subject. Same with an artist.
A artists that want to be in the top will find ways to get to that gig or practice. If not well it has lost their focus. In a way in the sports world people understand that you won't be drafted for Barcelona FC without work. But in the music industry there is many thinking that it is a reality.
Well right now I’m looking for the focused artists.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Todays band Shower with Goats
Todays artist is Shower with Goats if I remeber it right they are from Canada and is partt of my punk collection.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Todays artist Lionfly Secrets
Todays artist is Lionfly Secrets that I have seen a couple of times.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Todays artist Prins Charles
Todays artist is Prince Charles if anyone remember him? A hit in the 80:s
Monday, July 18, 2016
Todays band The Soup Dragons
Todays artist is The Soup Dragons if anyone remember them. Yes 90:s band. Still just got me a revival on this music.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Why you don't tell artists
What happens if you do that is that the artist will ask you everyday like a littel child if something new has happend around the commercial. It dosen't matter if you tell them that this can take time. And we might not hear back, they might use another track etc.
Nope you get the emails and messages all them time. Well it's okey if you just had one artist. But since we work with over 100 yes these mails piles up. We used to send out these notes just to prove that yes we are working with your songs. We had to stopp it since we got tons of emails with the question "What happend with this placement"? And also many of them wanted to have meetings to plan their future "if" the placement came through.
Then it also was all these things that we have no clue about like "When does this commercial air", "How much does it pay", "Where is it used". This is mainly things that comes later when they decided witch music they gonna use.
Yes it is a normal urge that you want to know if things progressive, and you should. Still if there is to many people doing it on the same time it takes up too much time. This is a kind of a problem that you can't really solv. It's also the main thing that artists thinks that publishers dosen't do anything.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
3 tips for artists: Drew Young
Friday, July 15, 2016
Todays band Poets of the fall
Todays artist is Poets of the fall. Well if you are in Finland you know them well. Also if you plaed the game Max Payne. But to rest they are quite unknown.
It's summer
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Todays band Stonerider
Toadys band is Stonerider. From a tip off from a industry person.
Berklee Online
Well the world iks changing for the better.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Todays band MY
Toadys band is MY. Yes it's Indevotion that changed name. I helped them out in several things. Really good band that Sony relent in UK picked up.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Todays band Haartland
Todays band is Haartland that several of my friends work on.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Todays artist The Bongo Club
Todays artist is The Bongo Club. I band I won't miss on Live at Heart
Friday, July 8, 2016
Toadys artist Elle Exxe
Todays artist is Elle Exxe who I have seen on several occations but latest on CMW. New UK artists.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
No, there is no replacement for your work.
So this was a golden opportunity. I looked in the list and they where not on.
I contacted the artist. And the answer was: We didn't apply since we forget. We had so much other things.
Its not the first time I work hard to get a opportunity for a artist and they just screw things up but not doing the most simple thing that should be one of the biggest prio.
Then the artist got back and asked:
We can apply now or just write us in.
Techinically it can be done. But I already pushed much to get to the position to have the stage. I would go over the limit to ask for more. If they just had done the small thing they should it had been clear.
Then the artist started to nagg about how everything was going since they need to know if the stage was intresting for them and they needed to get a van, and where should they stay? It just went on and on.
Of course i told them that they needed to mark the show to get people down. Sure it is a famous festival. Still its ten other stages going on the same time. To get people to your you need to market your show.
The answer was, well then it might not be that intresting. They wanted a stage where people go naturally.
I gave up and took an artist from my friends company that works hard to get the spot that was on the list. And they where super happy.
Then my artist came back and wanted to know when they could go out and tell people that they where playing.
I got back and explained that the space was taken. Suddenly I was not that good. No it was a disgrace that we couldn't fix things for the artist.
Lets say i want pick this artist for my next opportunity. You really have to make it easy for a person givit you a opportunity, not be a pain to deal with.
Well you can't push your work on someone else. You need to do things for yourself
Todays band Vindstyrka 12
Todays band is Vindstyrka 12. And yes it's Sverigedemokraternas day on Almedalen so I think this suites. They have been taken down several time on youtube. Keep up the good work Jon.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Todays artits Sara Sangfelt
Todays artists is Sara Sangfelt who is just kicking off with her career. She will be the answer for Zara Larsson.
3 tips for artists Mikael Sandberg
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Don't be a diva
I was sitting in a meeting discussiong a quite big thing around a festival. My phone starts ringing (okey i had it on silence). Several times. I checked who it was and it was an artist we signed a mounth ago. Since the artist was calling on and on. I excused myself from the meeting and called back.
The artist ionöy wnated to know if we had sold any of his songs to commercal yet (just the fact that he hadn't provided me with the instrumentals it was not likley). Stuff like this is the reason why my labels don't want to talk to the artist and sticks with a proffessional manager.
Like one of my artists said today, well artists is not having the same world prospective like the rest, both in a good way and a bad way, mainly bad.
Nej till rasistiska band gäller båda hållen!
Nej jag skulle inte ge ut vitmakt musik. Står till och med i våra stadgar att inte ge ut musik som stöter folkgrupper eller sexuell läggning. Hela Almedalen har vi stöttat projektet Ikoner som framhåller personer med Dawns syndrom och kört vi gillar olika.
Tyvärr är det här Almedalen och det dyker upp en hel del rasistiska artister. Senast såg jag Borgerlig Skymning som är ett omvänt smygrasist band. Sångerskan Karin Phil finns med på Mingla appen (en app för att träffa intressanta personer att mingla och diskutera med på Almedalen). Appen funkar som Tinder du "swipar" left för att säga nej till en person. "Swipa" right för att gilla någon. Här är det om man känner att en person är intressant så swipar man right och om den personen också gör det så får man kontakt och kan bestämma ett möte.
Så jag sitter och tittar och får upp Karin Pihls profil. Där står det ungefär "vita män kan direkt Swipa left".
Just nu sitter jag framför ett porträtt på en medelålders vit man med Dawns syndrom på ett fantastiskt porträtt där han är utklädd till forskare på 1600 talet.
Den här mannen tycker Karin Pihl är ointressant. Han borde inte få finnas i hennes snäva universum. Ja Karin Pihl är en rasist.
Det senaste är att hon ondgör sig över vita vänster killar för de är inte riktiga feminister.
Vad är nästa steg för Borglig Skymning. Inga manliga ljudtekniker? Inga rullstolabundna? Ingen med aspbergers. Vänta det här liknar nåt från 30-talet fast omvänt OCH DET ÄR INTE OK.
Det är inte ok att folk tafsar i publiken män eller kvinnor. Nej det är inte ok att exkludera kön, hudfärg, handikapp, religion, sexuell läggning.
Jag hoppas vi i musikbranschen kan hålla borta alla rasistiska band. Så jag ber alla mina vänner därute att hålla koll på det här bandet och inte ta in dem på sina evenemang, lika lite som Ultima Thule.
Todays band The Happy Hippo Family
Todays band is from my hometown Örebro and I have followed them for awhile and they have a really great album going on.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Todays band The Bland
Todays band The Bland is friend of mine who is doing some managmnet for and is going very well.
Festivals not that important?
The thing is though that there is almost nothing in my feed on facebook about any of them. The media is reporting very small about it. Right now there has been some rapes that has gotten attention, but it's sad that rapes is the thing media now writes about festivals. Rapes it self is just super bad.
I guess the festivals has played out theri roll. In the 90-s when it was hard to find certian music yes fa festival was a place where you can see these really rre band. Also it might b ethe only time of the year you meet people that liked the same music as you did. Today with internwet a band can't be that indei and underground. Internet killed that. At the same place also Internet has much larget hubs for people to meet. A festival before was a place where 50 000 people meet. In intenet standards that extremly small.
No it looks like the festivals had done it's thing. It's game over with the new genration festivals goers. The kids today choose other things to spend their money and time on.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
3 tips for artist, Rev Moose
Here is Rev Moose from Marauder a compnay that does strategys for artists.
Todays band Strebers
This is an old punkband witch I grew up wiuth. Still I only like the things they did until the drummers death in 92. They are still touring but not as impressive as then. here si a more odd song.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
How to break internationally
Todays band A-mit (A-mei)
Todays band is A-mit (A-mei when you are in mainland China). This is from Golden Melody Awards. Check them out!
Friday, July 1, 2016
Todays band Matzka
Todays band is Matzka. I meet them and saw them live both in Candian Music Week and Golden Melody Awards. Check them out!