Friday, July 19, 2019

Being bold!

I get it from people from time to time that I'm bold in my views here in the blog. Actually, I'm not really discussing any sensitive material at all. Yes, I know I stick out with opinions from time to time. Still, it's opinions that have been going around for awhile in the more better saloons in the industry.

The sad part is that the whole internet is so sensitive. It's like a stigma to do things wrong or have another opinion that the internet doesn't have for the moment. Instead, people are taking their thoughts to forums where they meet other people with the same thoughts and is not challenged by other views.

That is why I can't be specific also in the blog. I have to be broad like the title "Booking agencies don't know their shit". Some actually do. But I can't point out which ones or who the ones that are not behaving because of the silence on the Internet.

It's crazy how strange the discussion climate has become. and yes in this world my views are probably very bold. in my world, though they are like kicking someone that is already lying down.

If the industry would change faster we really need a more open discussion climate.

It's hard to get around in a six foot town
When your ten feet tall everything is so small
I'm always bumping my head
I'm way to long for the bed
It's hard to get around
In a six foot town.

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