Tuesday, September 12, 2017

We will test you!

In bigger corporations they test their next employees, severe tests are usually done to get a good placement into a company. Why do people think this is not applying on when you seek out artists?

I mean in many cases you are gonna work with this artist for at least 10 years or even more. Do you really think we just take the first best that comes in the door with a good song?

Would you be late to an interview meeting with a company that you applied for a job? I guess not. Same here keep the times. And yes we work office hours so starting that you can only take meetings on Sundays between 2 and 6 when you have your rehearsal time, is really not a good opener.

Or even better call in and just ask them to take it another day since you are busy. Just forgetting that you are the one who applied not the opposite around.

Your first day on the work and you start by refusing to do some of the day to day things with the words "that isn't that cool". I guess they won't keep you after 6 months of trial period.

I guess phoning in a week after that you don't come in on Monday since you are spending time with your partner on a weekend trip to Paris and just want to extend that.

We bump into this all the time. I just wonder how many careers have been blown by idiot decisions.

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